The village is situated at 618 meters above sea level and has 10.264 inhabitants (2014). The origin of Víznar is delivering the water of the Fountain of Aynadamar to the district Albaicin in Granada City. This goes back to the Zirí Dynasty (1013-1090). The growth of the population of Granada overwhelmed in its structural aspect and it had insufficient water supply, so they used the channel of water from Aynadamar to the Albaicin. 


Much of the municipality of Víznar is located in the mountains and scrubland, and in a part of the Natural Park Sierra de Huétor. It has rugged terrain, hills and ravines. In the Sierra de Víznar you can find the Rock (1300 m), the Cueva del Agua, El Collado, the Glen of the Cradle, the Cueva del Gato, Puerto Lobo, the Fuente de la Teja, the Dehesa de Bolones.

Points of Interest in Víznar

  • Church: Iglesia Parroquial de Víznar (1530)
  • Old city center:
  • Irrigation ditch: Acequia de Aynadamar (16th century);
  • Palacio del Cuzco (18th century)
  • Viewpoint;
  • Parque Natural de la Sierra de Huétor;
  • Aventura Amazonia: In this park they have created 69 play attributes in the trees
The church of Víznar
The church of Víznar

Festivities in Víznar

  • In the night from the 14th to the 15th of August the festivities in honor of  Virgen del Rosario are celebrated;
  • On the 12th of October are the festivities held in honor of the town's patron Virgin of Pilar;
View on Víznar
View on Víznar

Photo Gallery of Víznar

Basic Information View on Víznar

Víznar (37°10′18″N 3°40′03″O)

Altitude: 618 meters

Population: 10.264 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 13 km

Distance to the beach: 74 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 130 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 11 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of View on Víznar

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