Festivities inVega de Granada

Underneath an overview of the most important Festivals in the region Vega de Granada. They are ordered by popularity.

Granada: Eastern Week

Time: Eastern

Although Eastern is celebrated in every town in Spain, the biggest one is taking place in Granada Capital. Easter in Granada is the largest cultural event in the spring, it is a reflection of religiosity. During  these days a lot of its traditional processions are taken place. 


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Granada: Corpus

Time: 8 weeks after Eastern (final May beginning of June)

Corpus Festival is the most important festival of the city, it starts every year on Monday at midnight with the Encencido,  that is to say, the lighting of the thousands of light bulbs on the main gate and finishes on next Sunday with a fireworks show. For a whole week the celebrations fill the city. Flamenco performances, puppet shows, and processions like the Tarasca are just some of the many events which take place during Corpus Christi.

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The Day of the Crosses

Time: 3rd of May


On the Day of the Cross, also known as "dia de la Cruz de Mayo", the capital of Granada and some villages are colorful. The different neighborhoods of the cities prepare altars with ornate floral crosses, mantillas and other allegorical objects. In a small procession they will visit each of these crosses, stopping at every cross in order to sing, read and play music according to the religious tradition of that village. You will find many decorated courtyards in the Albaycin, San Miguel Bajo, Realejo, in the Campo del Principe and in the city centre.

Click here for more information of this festivity in Granada.

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Three Kings

Time: 5th and the 6th of January

It dates back from the end of the 19th century and it is the oldest one in Spain.The three Kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar are visiting the city in order to give presents to the children (but also other memebers of the family). Since 1982 circus characters and animals were added to the procession.  It starts at Rector López Argüeta street and finishes at Plaza del Carmen, in front of the Town Hall. Along the route the Kings are throwing sweets to the public. After the procession the people are going home in order to unpack the presents. This fest you can compare with Santa Claus or Saint Nicolas where the people give each other presents.

San Miguel

Time: Last Sunday on September

In the Arabic domination period there was a legend that told that at the famous Cerro del Aceituno –Hill of Aceituno-(also Cerro de los Diablos –Hill of the Devil-) there were a miraculous olive tree that was able  to offer its fruits in just one day with all the maturation process all of a sudden. This gave place a celebration on the Ankara day near a tower which was erected there.
After the Cristian conquest of the city the place changed its name to Cerro de los Ángeles –Hill of the Angels- and a chapel was built where mass took place in 1673 for the first time. This chapel was demolished by the French in 1810. However thanks to the determination of the Brotherhood it was built again in 1828.
Although it is the festival of the Albaicin neighbourhood, it has a huge impact in all the population of Granada who assists to the religious parade on the Hill of S. Miguel, near the chapel. (Source Ayuntamiento de Granada)

Fiesta de la Virgen de las Angustias

Each September, Granada pays homage to its patron virgin, la Virgen de las Angustias. At this day a lot of activities are organized like, concerts and a food fair.