
The village is situated at 732 meters above sea level and has 13.681 inhabitants (2014).  The village excist in an upper and lower part which recently caused the named changed.  Until a couple of years it was called was called "The Ogíjares" that was divided into two autonomous local authorities: high and lower Ogíjar. In the Cerro San Cristobal in the highest part of town, on a hill called Loma Linda there is an archaeological site located. Most towns in this area have necropolis of the Roman and Moorish times.

Points of Interest in Ogíjares

Detail of the church of Los Ogíjares
Detail of the church of Los Ogíjares
The church of Los Ogíjares
The church of Los Ogíjares

Festivities in Ogíjares

  • On the 20th of January the festivities in honor of San Sebastián are held;
  • Between the first and second week in September the popular festivities are held in honor of the Holy Cristo de la Expiración,with a procesion on Sunday; 
  • In the first week of September there is a Music Festival: El Festival de Cante Flamenco

Photo Gallery of Ogíjares

Basic Information Ogíjares

Los Ogíjares 37°07′12″N 3°36′25″O)

Altitude: 732 meters

Population: 13.681 (2014)



Distance to Granada: 9 km

Distance to the beach: 61 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 144 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 25 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Ogíjares

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The Weather in Ogíjares