Cenes de la Vega

The village is situated at 741 meters above sea level and has 7943 inhabitants (2014). The origin of Cenes de la Vega as town is dated in 1572, as recorded in the municipal archives. However, it already existed in the Arab period, but its inhabitants only moved there at the time of breeding silk and lived in Granada the rest of the year. Also graves have been found on land Moorish del Barrio de Venta, which have appeared crocks.


From the second half of the twentieth century there is an increase of population, receiving people from other parts of the province and it became for many a commuter town. It is the only village that is integrated in the public city transport of Granada.


Points of Interest in Cenes de la Vega

  • Church: Virgen del Rosario (16th century);
  • The Moorish Necropolis is located in the Barrio de la Venta;
  • Water theme park: Parque Acuático Aquaola;
  • Spring: La Fuente de la Pita: located on the banks of the Genil river, a walk road to the Sierra Nevada, has a forest surrounded with pine, chestnut, walnut trees;
  • Cenes ravine, is a beautiful natural setting which highlights the cave houses that have been excavated in the middle slopes of the ravine. It is a tourist attraction and a place to enjoy nature.
  • The historic gold mines and factory ruins;
  • Natural Arch: The Arch of Cerro del Oro.

Festivities in Cenes de la Vega

  • On the 3rd of May are the festivities of "Dia de la Cruz" held.
  • The festivities in honor of San Bartolomé are celebrated in August;
  • During the first ten days of October are the festivities in honor of  Virgen del Rosario held;

Photo Gallery of Cenes de la Vega

Basic Information Cenes de la Vega

Cenes de la Vega (37°09′34″N 3°32′19″O)

Altitude: 741 meters

Population: 7.943 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 5 km

Distance to the beach: 69 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 147 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 28 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Cenes de la Vega

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The Weather in Cenes de la Vega