The Arch of Cerro del Oro - Cenes de la Vega

The arch is located in Cerro del Oro (Hill of Gold), just above Cenes de la Vega. The arch is probably the result of the exploitation of gold that was executed in this area during the centuries of time. For the exploitation the miners used water which eroded the mountain and brought down the water with the washed sand in order to filter the gold. The water of the minners and natural influences has created this hole in this conglomorate wall.

The easiest way to visit this arch is to going the whole way up in Cenes de la Vega. Take the road "Calle Cerro del Oro" and pass the waterpark "Parque Acuático", until you reach the mountain side and the point where the street makes a sharp curve to the right. Park here you car and walk down the hiking trail for about 20 minutes. The arch is situated at the left site of the valley. At a certain point you will see some remains of a construction. Take the small trail that is going over this construction and turn left.

Photo Gallery Arch of Cerro del Oro

Location of the Arch of Cerro del Oro

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