
The village is located 926 meters above sea level and has 1238 inhabitants (2013). Niguëlas is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. The rivers Torrente is crossing Cerro del Caballo. From here several canals irrigate part of the Valley. A great part of the municpality is inside the Natural Park Sierra Nevada. There is a nice hiking route that goes along the river Torrente and the Cahorras.

Los Cahorros de Nigüelas
Los Cahorros de Nigüelas

Festivities in Niguëlas

  • On the 25th of April San Marcos is celebrated;
  • The festivities in honor of the patron are held in September.
Jardin Müller in Niguëlas
Jardin Müller in Niguëlas
Detail of the church in Niguëlas
Detail of the church in Niguëlas

Points of Interest in Niguëlas

Photo Gallery of Niguëlas

Photo Gallery Torrente River (Natural Park Sierra Nevada)

Basic Information Niguëlas

Niguëlas (36°58′35″N 3°32′26″O)

Altitude: 926 meters

Population: 1238 inhabitants (2013)



Distance to Granada: 38 km

Distance to the beach: 41 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 133 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 50 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Niguëlas

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The Weather in Niguëlas