La Rabita

The village is located at sea level and has 1982 inhabitants (2013). The village belongs to the municipality Albuñol. La Rabita is named after the construction of the Ribat or fortress-monastery, because in the Nasrid period this city was established as a strategic point of defense on the coast. Around the castle the population of La Rabita was settled.


 In the eighteenth century the watchtowers of Punta Negra, La Rabita and Huarea were built, making the maritime defense of this population strong and large. Currently the watchtower  La Rabita is the best preserved.

The beach of La Rabita
The beach of La Rabita

Points of Interest in La Rabita

View on the fortress of La Rabita
View on the fortress of La Rabita

Festivities in La Rabita

  • On the 15th of May, La Rábita is having it´s festivities in honor of "San Isidro Labrador";
  • On the 8th of September Rabita is celebrating "Virgen del Mar";
The promenada of La Rabita
The promenada of La Rabita

Photo Gallery of La Rabita

Basic Information La Rabita

La Rabita (36°44′55″N 3°10′17″O)

Altitude: 2 meters

Population: 1982 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 112 km

Distance to the beach: 0 km (La Rabita)

Distance to Airport Malaga: 148 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 127 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of La Rabita

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The Weather in La Rabita

Accommodations in La Rabita

Rabita - Costa Tropical:  This charming modern house is situated in an old police station. It has a big living room with open kitchen, three bedrooms, two lofts, three bathrooms and a terrace. A small trail goes down to the beach......

Number of persons: 6-10 / Price: from € 250,- a night, € 1750,- a week (6p)

from € 250,-