
The village is situated at 900 meters above sea level and has 2.558 inhabitants (2014). Throughout its history the town has suffered two major earthquakes; the first in 1755 and the second in 1884. Due to this fact the urban area of the town had to be relocated to its current location.

Points of Interest in Güevéjar

  • Castle ruins: El Castillejo de Nívar y Güevéjar;
  • Church: La iglesia de San Idelfonso y Santa Cristina;
  • Excursions to Peñón de Bartolo and horseback riding.
The town hall of Güevéjar
The town hall of Güevéjar
Detail of the church of Güevéjar
Detail of the church of Güevéjar

Festivities in Güevéjar


  • On the 24th of June the festivities in honor of San Juan Bautista are celebrated;
  • On the 15th of September the festivities of La Virgen De Las Angustias are held;
  • On the 1st of November the festivities of the "Castañas" are celebrated, this is the same day as the día de Todos los Santos.

Photo Gallery of Güevéjar

Basic Information Güevéjar

Güevéjar (37°15′25″N 3°35′52″O)

Altitude: 900 meters

Population: 2.558 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 10 km

Distance to the beach: 78 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 140 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 21 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Güevéjar

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The Weather in Güevéjar