Cúllar Vega

The village is situated at 641 meters above sea level and has 7.139 inhabitants (2014).  The name Cúllar Vega is first mentioned in a letter from the XII century. The name is derived from the Arabic Qûllar which in turn seems to come from the Latin word "collum"  which means high ground, suggesting that Cúllar starts its existence as a Roman villa.

In time the kingdom nasri the population was engaged in agriculture irrigation, The Arabs took the highest levels of refinement.

Points of Interest Cúllar Vega

  • Church (1540);
  • Washing sinks;
  • Historic water deposit (Ajibe) 1572;
The church of Cúllar Vega
The church of Cúllar Vega

Festivities in Cúllar Vega

  • On the 17th of January San Anton is celebrated;
  • Around the 29th of September are the festivities celebrated in honor of the patron San Miguel;

Photo Gallery of Cúllar Vega

Basic Information Cúllar Vega

Cúllar Vega (37°09′11″N 3°40′14″O)

Altitude: 641 meters

Population: 7.139 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 9 km

Distance to the beach: 66 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 134 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 15 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Cúllar Vega

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The Weather in Cúllar Vega