Torre Cardela

The village is located 1214 meters above sea level and has 860 inhabitants (2013). It is situated between two hills that form a small mountain range that separates the slopes of the Genil rivers and Guadiana Menor.


The village owes its name from a medieval tower that still remains standing above the village. This is also the main attractions that is located in the Cerro de los Molino where you fantastic views over the Eastern Mountains, the region of Guadix and southern Sierra Magina.


The city council of Torre Cardela
The city council of Torre Cardela

Points of Interest Torre Cardela


  • Tower "Torre del Molino". Declared of cultural interest from June 22, 1993.
  • Church: "Iglesia Parroquial de San José"
  • "La Casa Grande"
  • The fields of cherry and almond blossom in early spring
Torre del Molino in Torre Cardela
Torre del Molino in Torre Cardela

Festivities in Torre Cardela

  • In the second weekend of August are the festivities held in honor of "Santísimo Cristo de la There is a procession through the town and different activities orgnized;
  • On the 15th of May "San Isidro Labrador" is celebrated (procession).
 The church of Torre Cardela
The church of Torre Cardela

Photo Gallery of Torre Cardela

Basic Information Torre Cardela

Torre Cardela (37°30′16″N 3°21′21″O)

Altitude: 1214 meters

Population: 860 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 64 km

Distance to the beach: 127 km (Motril)

Distance to Airport Malaga: 185 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 66 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: 
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Torre Cardela

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The Weather in Torre Cardela