
The village is located 862 meters above sea level and has 1431 inhabitants (2014). The name Colomera means Land of the Doves however the Arabs liked to call it Granada´s Girl. They made one of the seven fortres overhere in order to defend the Granada region.


The Roman Bridge in Colomera
The Roman Bridge in Colomera

Points of Interest in Colomera

Colomera (Los Montes)
Colomera (Los Montes)

Festivities in Colomera

  • On the 14th of September they celebrate El Santo Cristo de la Veracruz.
  • The last Sunday of September they celebrate "la Romeria de la Virgen de la Cabeza on the Cerro de Cabeza;
One of the streets of Colomera
One of the streets of Colomera

Photo Gallery of Colomera

Basic Information Colomera

Colomera (37°22′18″N 3°42′51″O)

Altitude: 865 meters

Population: 1431 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 32 km

Distance to the beach: 95 km (Motril)

Distance to Airport Malaga: 153 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 34 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Colomera

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The Weather in Colomera