
This village is located at 865 meters above sealevel in the riverbed of the Guadahortuna and has 685 inhabitants (2014). In this area they have found remains of the Bronze age. At the Cortijo El Penon, four kilometers from the town, you can see the popular Stone of Solana, a kind of natural fortress, which is located at 1233 meters above sealevel. It is a steep area that is formed by three huge rocks that must have been served as a refuge for the inhabitants of the area in medieval times, as confirmed by the remains found there.

The church of Alamedilla
The church of Alamedilla

Festivities in Alamedilla


  • Fiestas: On the 25th of August they celebrate the traditional fiesta in honor of San Marcos.
  • On the 1st of November the Fiesta de la Cachona is celebrated on the main square by preparing chestnuts with chocolate.
View on the village Alamedilla
View on the village Alamedilla

Points of Interest in Alamedilla

  • Línea Ferroviaria de Media Distancia 71, between Granada and Linares.
  • Train station of Alamedilla.
  • Museum of Alamedilla.
  • Bridge: Puente del Hacho.


A street in Alamedilla
A street in Alamedilla

Photo Gallery of Alamedilla

Basic Information Alamedilla

Alamedilla (37°34′54″N 3°14′40″O)

Altitude: 865 meters

Population: 685 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 77 km

Distance to the beach: 141 km (Motril)

Distance to Airport Malaga: 199 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 80 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Alamedilla

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The Weather in Alamedilla