The village is located 750 meters above sea level and has 1685 inhabitants (2013). The municipality is formed by the village of Polopos, La Mamola, La Guapa, Castillo de Baños de Abajo, Castillo de Baños de Arriba, Haza del Lino and Haza del Trigo. Polopos, has all the charm of the white Andalusian villages and the ideal conditions to enjoy the best of the mountain, sea and sun in the Costa Tropical.  

The church of Polopos
The church of Polopos

Points of Interest in Polopos

  • Church (19th century);
  • Streets of Polopos;
  • Beaches.
A view on Polopos
A view on Polopos

Festivities in Polopos

  • In March, the traditional Wine Festival of Polopos is celebrated. A party that is visited every year by 1200 people;
  • Fiestas en Honor a San Juan (Castillo de Baños - La Guapa)  from 23th till 24th of June;
  • Fiestas en Honor a Santa Ana (Haza del Trigo)  from the 25th till 26th of July;
  • Fiestas en Honor a Ntra. Sra. Virgen del Rosario (Polopos) is celebrated in the first week of August;
  • Fiestas en Honor a Ntra. Sra. Virgen del Carmen (La Mamola) from the 13th until the 16th of August.

The Beaches of Polopos

Photo Gallery of Polopos

Basic Information Polopos

Polopos (36°47′44″N 3°17′50″O)

Altitude: 750meters

Population: 1685 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 89 km

Distance to the beach: 10 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 142 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 104 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low-  medium - high


  • Supermarkets: no
  • Banks: no
  • Restaurants: no
  • Bars: no

Location of Polopos

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The Weather in Polopos