
The village is located at 897 meters above sea level and has 4500 inhabitants (2014).  Cúllar is situated in a valley rich in fruit trees, between the Sierra de Orce and Las Estancias.


In Cúllar is an important architectural heritage represented by an Arab military tower, next to the chapel of the Virgen de la Cabeza, located in the hamlet of La Cora, just outside the village. Also, the church of Sta rose. Mª of Annunciation of the XVI century and the Palace of the Marquises of Cadimo in the city center is worth to see..


It houses one of the most populated cave districts of the region. The town is easy accessible by the highway A92-N which goes from Granada to Murcia.


Detail of the Arabic tower and chapel in Cúllar
Detail of the Arabic tower and chapel in Cúllar

Points of Interest in Cúllar

  • Arabic Tower: "Torre del Alabí";
  • Church: "Iglesia de Santa María de la Anunciación" (16th century);
  • "Palacio de los Marqueses de Cadimo";
  • Archeological remains: "Yacimiento Arquelógico del Malagón" (copper age);
  • Chappel: "Ermita de la Virgen de la Cabeza".
  • "Casa Consistorial".
View on Cúllar
View on Cúllar

The Festivities in Cúllar

  • "Fiestas de San Blas", en El Margen, on the 3rd of January;
  • "Fiestas de San José", in la Venta del Peral and Venta Quemada on the 19th of March;
  • "Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos" in honor of "Santísima Virgen de la Cabeza", in Cúllar, in the last weekend of April; declared as Turist Interest Turístico of Andalucia.
  • "Fiesta del Día de la Cruz", on the 3rd of May in every village.
  • "Fiestas de Tarifa", the weekend before the "San Juan" in Las Vertientes.
  • Fiestas de San Juan", in Las Vertientes, on the 24th of June.
  • "Fiestas de San Agustín", in Cúllar, 4 days around 28 of August;
  • "Fiestas de Santiago", in Venta Quemada;
The parada of the Cristianos & Moros in Cúllar
The parada of the Cristianos & Moros in Cúllar

Photo Gallery of Cúllar

Basic Information Cúllar

Cúllar (37°35′01″N 2°34′35″O)

Altitude: 897 meters

Population: 4500 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 119 km

Distance to the beach: 106 km (Aguilas)

Distance to Airport Malaga: 249 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 134 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - mediumhigh


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location Cúllar

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The Weather in Cúllar